Contact us at 970-749-4443
Ketamine Treatments
in Durango, CO
in Durango, CO
Ketamine IV Infusions
Ketamine, once best known for its use in anesthesia, has recently gained prominence as a transformative treatment for various chronic conditions. At our clinic in Durango, Colorado, we specialize in ketamine IV infusions, offering hope and relief to patients in Durango and the surrounding areas.

Ketamine for Depression
Depression can be challenging to identify at first. After all, it’s natural to feel down or unhappy occasionally, especially during tough times. Whether you are experiencing mild depression, major depressive disorder (MDD), or trauma, treatment can help.
Call the office to schedule an evaluation and get started on recovery. Or request an appointment online today.
Ketamine for Anxiety
Feeling worried, scared, or highly stressed is natural now and again, but it shouldn’t always happen. If you or a loved one experiences anxiety, reach out to the highly skilled, knowledgeable, and compassionate team of mental health professionals at Elevated Medicine in Durango, Colorado.
If you or a loved one needs compassionate and effective care for anxiety, call Elevated Medicine, or schedule an appointment online today.

Ketamine for PTSD
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a disorder in which a person has difficulty recovering after witnessing or experiencing a terrifying event. Experiencing trauma can have devastating psychological effects that are sometimes tough to overcome.
If you or a loved one needs support after trauma, contact Elevated Medicine in Durango, Colorado. The team of skilled mental health providers understands how profoundly trauma can affect people’s lives and offers guidance, support, and other resources.